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   日期:2023-08-31     浏览:41    评论:0    
核心提示:我来教教大家微乐设置开挂—原来有辅助挂 1月22日消息,来自外媒消息,美国券商Cowen & Company的看穿师蒂莫西·阿库里(Timothy Arcuri)相信新一代iPhone将引爆苹果股
我来教教大家微乐设置开挂—原来有辅助挂 1月22日消息,来自外媒消息,美国券商Cowen & Company的看穿师蒂莫西·阿库里(Timothy Arcuri)相信新一代iPhone将引爆苹果股票上涨,阿库里周一将苹果股票目标价上调至155美元,原因是苹果将在今年晚些时候发布iPhone 8。首先声明:在我们公司购买的任何黑软件帮助器,装后达不到客户们的要求或是安装不了的情况下,24小时内都可以联系我们客服全额退款,做生意讲究的是诚信!!

获投行看好 新东方盘前涨3.5%


2022年深圳外贸进出口3.67万亿元 创历史新高






  Company Profile  Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. is a China-based company, principally engaged in the production and distribution of Moutai liquor series products. The Company's main products portfolio consists of Kweichow Moutai liquors and other liquor series, including Moutai Prince liquors, Moutai Ying Bin Chiew and Laimao liquors. The Company distributes its products within domestic market and to overseas markets.(Source: Reuters)  Event  Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. (“Kweichow Moutai"/ the company) announced its production and operation in 2022.  After the preliminary calculations, Kweichow Moutai’s full-year revenue is expected to reach roughly CNY 127.2 billion (+16.20%YoY), and its net income attributable to shareholders is estimated to report roughly CNY 62.6 billion (+19.33%YoY). Its revenue in Q4 is estimated at CNY 37.4 billion (+15.44%YoY), and its net income attributable to shareholders is anticipated to hit CNY 18.2 billion (+19.79%YoY). The performance slightly overshoots market consensus.  Comments  Thanks to the acceleration in revenue of Kweichow Moutai liquors in Q4, Kweichow Moutai is expected to outperform its full-year target.  It is expected that Kweichow Moutai liquors and other liquor series in 2022 contributed CNY 107.7 billion and CNY 15.7 billion to revenue, up 15.2%YoY and 24.7% YoY, respectively, with CNY 33.3 billion and CNY 3.16 billion in Q4, an increase of 17.0% YoY and 3.4% YoY.  The decent growth of Kweichow Moutai liquors in Q4 was mainly due to 1) a rise in sales volume; 2) more non-Feitian liquors being put on the market; 3) optimized channel structures.  The slowdown in growth of other liquor series in Q4 was mainly due to less other liquor series being put on the market.  The net margin in Q4 stood at 48.6%, up 1.8 percentage points from a year earlier, which was mainly a result of less proportion of taxes in revenue.  The production capacity of Kweichow Moutai liquors is to expand while the technology reforms of other liquor series advance smoothly.  In 2022, the base liquor output of Kweichow Moutai liquors was roughly at 56,800 tons (+1% YoY) and that of other liquor series 35,000 tons (+24% YoY).  The company has completed its earlier-set production capacity expansion plan, and the actual production capacity increased to 56,000 tons.  The project of capacity expansion of Kweichow Moutai liquors was carried out in December, and the actual capacity will increase roughly 19,800 tons when the project is completed, bringing the output of Kweichow Moutai liquors to 76,000 tons in 2026.  According to the calculation based on production capacity of Kweichow Moutai liquors and available sales volume, the CAGR of sale volume increase from 2021 to 2025 is estimated at 6%, and 8% from 2027 to 2031, showing a lift in the average of sales volume increases.  In addition, other liquor series will also see investments in production capacity expansion, and the company will buy the using rights of state-owned lands as production sites, which will scale up Kweichow Moutai liquors and other liquor series.  Earnings forecast and investment recommendation  Since Mr. DING Xiongjun took office, the company has promoted reforms in an all-round way including production capacity expansion, product upgrading and marketing innovation, making the company back onto the faster and better trajectory.  We slightly revised up our earnings forecast and estimated its revenue at CNY 127.2 billion in 2022, CNY 146.4 billion in 2023, and CNY 172.0 billion in 2024, up 16.20%YoY, 15.09%YoY, and 17.51%YoY; its net income attributable to shareholders at CNY 62.6 billion, CNY 73.5 billion, and CNY 87.3 billion, up 19.33%YoY, 17.43%YoY, and 18.75%YoY, implying a P/E ratio to 34.49x, 29.37x, and 24.74x, based on the closing price on December 29, 2022. Remain “Buy”.  Potential risks  slower-than-expected macroeconomic recovery; worse-than-expected blows dealt by lingering epidemic to consumer spending and consumption upgrading; uncertainties of deepening reforms【免责声明】本文仅代表第三方观点,不代表和讯网立场。投资者据此操作,风险请自担。(责任编辑:王丹 )




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